miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

22 comentarios:

  1. I think that this project is really interesting because it is about something that is not so recognized for us, but, we should know it since it is very nutritious.
    Besides, I consider that we should support this kind of projects because they are planned thinking of the people healthy.


    1. Hello dony

      Thank you for giving me your opinion about my project, it's really nice to know how other people match my way of thinking.
      Thanks so much for your advices, the results of the project will be published shortly.

    2. You are welcome Ana!
      I really like your project, that is why I had to said something about that.
      I hope that you keep helping others.

    3. Dony I am agree with since in the majority of cases people di not know about the old meal and it has influence with the migration of people from rural places to the city, place where has other traditional food.

      I will be part of that, consuming this product and incentive to other like my family, friends and neighbors.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. This is a really good idea to promote the consume of some products that in those years are not considered as important, because in the majority of cases people do not know about those products, that is why it is important to promote the consume of those products in order to preserve those foods.
    BY: Gelen Nikol Alejo Beteta

  4. I consider that this project can help to people because can preserve culture and it is nutritious.
    From my perspective, it is interesting that they have planned campaigns because this can inform parents and children. Although I recommend being very careful in presenting the food since they must maintain hygiene at all times, so having the food exposed can be dangerous.

    1. Hello Margarita.
      thanks you for sharing your opinion about my project and as you mentioned this help to preserve culture.
      Beyond that what can be seen in the presentation. I appreciate your recommendation regarding the content and don't worried because I will take these hygiene aspects into account to make my project more sustainable.
      One more time thank you to comment my blog.

  5. I consider that it is a really good idea because, at these times, we have loosed our original customs, including our gastronomy.
    I hope this project take a huge impact in our society, at the same time I hope this project start to expand, I mean, not only focuses on the "callampa" also on other foods that have been lost over time.

  6. well, i think that this project its important because now we live in a world where suffering foods problems is not new. And i think that projects like these that appreciate the nutrition has to be recognized and supported.
    also, it is a food that is representative of our region and we have to feel identified with kind of healthy and delicious food of our region

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. hi Ana,
    I like your initiative in promote this kind of food, since i never listen about this aliment, whereby i consider that this project that you make will help to promote the consumption of this food wihch has a high nutritional value, on the other hand i consider that this kind of project can be implemented in differents part, since that can help to keep eating of differents food.

    1. Hello Angela,
      Thanks for commenting on this blog and giving me some recommendations. I really feel useful for the society and you motive me to keep working in this type of projects.
      I don't want you to feel obligated but I will continue publishing more projects so that you can give us your support and make our country launch new projects that contribute to the change
      Thanks so much.

  9. It is very interesting to know more about our culture that somehow only few know it, with this project you can spread it, so more people can know about this type of native food and in the same way they can enjoy its nutritional content
    By: Daily Garcia Escobal

  10. Well, I consider that this project help us to know some foods that with the time losing information, such is the case of the "Callampa" that surely many people we didn't know. On the other hand, I think that is a good strategy show this product through an exhibition. Also, I believe that we should support these projects because apart from knowing they provide a great contribution in our health.

  11. i think that it is an innovative idea about this king of traditional food, because today,
    we tend to lose the customs and traditions of our place of origin. This project since my perspective is a different way to change the perspective of society, valuing the cultural and the nutritious not only of this kind of food, but also for all those that are being lost today.

  12. I consider that this project is very interesting since as we know today there are many typical dishes that are being forgotten so this type of project will be used to revalue the Peruvian cuisine. Besides I think that the activities such as preparing and displaying food allow people to know more about this dish. I really like the project and tha initiative you have.

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. I consider that this project is very interesting and new for me because as we know nowadays the healthy food is being forgotten and the new generations only could eat unhealthy food and that is not the idea, so this project is like a little salvation to the problems with respect to the food of the region or the communities because it kind food called callampa is not recognized so much and that project help to promote that kind of food causing a great reflection in the population and taking conscious about this situation


  15. well, I really like the project because I consider it a good way to take the initiative, besides this project is very interesting because it is important to remember the dishes that we are forgetting to make the change.
    Also i think that with this proyect other people make another proyect to solve some problems.

  16. The project "Getting food from the logs" shows the reality that happens in the history of the food since people did not know about our old meals and this actions cause the forgetfulness of the reach that produce the farmers with the land, as an example the product of Pacae.
    I invoke to create more projects to preserve our gastronomy.

  17. Hello Ana,
    First, I want to congratulate you for elaborating this project, you are taking into account many important things to develop this projects, and I would like to highlight the importance of develop an interview and ask help to the municipality since on that way you will know what people think about this project and you are going to show them the seriousness of your project. Secondly, referring to the phrase "everything in excess is harmful", I would like to know the disadvantages that have to eat this food in excess.
    Thank you.
